Load chain in manual chain hoist is one of the most critical parts of a hoist, the abuse that this chain receives can be the difference in a minor accident or a catastrophe, yet it is probably the most overlooked part of a hoist.
Load chain should be inspected daily, weld spatter, a nick, gouge, or stress can greatly reduce the capacity of the load chain. Please inspect your load chain and make sure you always make a safe lift.
When considering a hoist, ask if the manufacturer can produce test certs and metallurgical makeup or if they do independent testing as OZ Lifting does. After a chain failure you will want to work with a company that can walk back every step of the hoists manufacturing and rigging, OZ Lifting has this capability by the intense Quality Control we implement on every hoist
Chain Warnings
Caution: It must be recognized that certain factors in the usage of chain and attachments can be abusive and lessen the load that the chain or attachments can withstand. Some examples are twisting of the chain, disfigurement, deterioration by straining, usage, weathering and corrosion, rapid application of load or jerking applying excessive loads, and sharp corners cutting action.
Due to the crushing effect Grab Hooks have upon chain, the design factor of all assemblies must be reduced by 20% for Grab Hook applications.
This is only a part of what it takes to keep your workplace accident free. You can read more about hoist safety here.
Want to get started making your company a safer place? Call us now .