OZ Lifting Products, LLC is headquartered and warehoused in Winona, Minnesota. We have a long-standing dedication to excellent customer service and support. We are committed to designing and manufacturing high-quality and long-lasting lifting products and solutions. Our lifting equipment has been successfully handling material globally for years. We serve many industries including oil, gas, automotive, aviation, construction, and mining. Our products have provided safe lifting solutions in demanding applications since 2004.
Tested in the USA
At OZ Lifting Products, our customers expect products that have endured advanced testing and rigorous inspection to ensure many years of operation. Our quality control and testing is unmatched. Our products meet and exceed expectations in regards to safety, performance, durability, and customer satisfaction. Our products adhere to the ASME, ANSI, AS, OSHA, and CE standards keeping you and your equipment safe.

A Member of the Associated Wire Rope Fabricators
AWRF promotes interests common among companies manufacturing, fabricating, or distributing lifting, rigging, and load securement devices made of chain, rope, and synthetic products. The association works to establish, acquire, preserve, and disseminate various technical information, and encourages the development of safety standards and programs, and product identification procedures. Assistance has been provided for establishing and maintaining adequate product liability insurance, as well as other insurance needs of the industry. Common problems and purposes of the industry, such as those involving production, distribution, service and safety are reviewed and advanced by lawful means on a regular basis.
Please Click Here to visit their website to learn more about AWRF.

A Member of MHI
MHI is the nation’s largest material handling, logistics and supply chain association. MHI offers education, networking and solution sourcing for members, their customers and the industry as a whole through programming and events
Please Click Here to visit their website to learn more about MHI.

A Member of the National Safety Council
The National Safety Council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy.
Headquartered in Itasca, IL, the National Safety Council has local Chapters throughout the US. More than 50,000 member companies rely on the National Safety Council for information, resources, and training to keep their employees and communities safe. For 100 years, the National Safety Council has been the leading safety advocate preventing unintentional injuries and death.
Please Click Here to visit their website to learn more about the National Safety Council.
A Member of the Water Environment Federation
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of more than 30,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations (MAs) representing water quality professionals around the world. Since 1928, WEF and its members have protected public health and the environment. WEF and its global network of members and member associations provide water quality professionals around the world with the latest in water quality education, training, and business opportunities. WEF’s diverse membership includes scientists, engineers, regulators, academics, utility managers, plant operators, and other professionals. WEF uses this collective knowledge to further a shared goal of improving water quality around the world.
Please Click Here to visit their website to learn more about WEF.
A Member of STAFDA
Founded in 1976 by 18 industry leaders who sought to create an organization where manufacturers and distributors of construction/industrial products could interface.
In the past 47 years, STAFDA has grown from the initial 18 founding members to 2,200+ member companies comprised of distributors, associate/manufacturers, publishing affiliates, and manufacturer rep/agents.
Please Click Here to visit their website to learn more about STAFDA.
A Member of NFIB
NFIB is the voice of small business, advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member-driven. Since our founding in 1943, NFIB has been exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses, and remains so today.
Please Click Here to visit their website to learn more about NFIB.
A Member of the Winona Area Chamber of Commerce
The Winona Area Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit, membership organization that has been serving businesses since 1912. They help create jobs so people can find work, provide for their families and achieve prosperity. They invest in a broad range of programs that build, support, and diversify our regional economy.
Please Click Here to visit their website to learn more about the Winona Area Chamber of Commerce.
Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD) Partner
Powered by the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) and supporting organizations, it is now a widely celebrated day where manufacturers, suppliers, and end users are among those that share material that promotes safe and high quality load lifting. Social media posts, videos, articles, and in-person activity will again be bound together by the hashtag, #GLAD2024.
Please Click Here to visit their website to learn more about GLAD.