To comply with OSHA and get years of use out of your hoist you need to have a comprehensive hoist maintenance program, if there is a hoist failure that results in an accident the first thing that will be asked for is your service record.
One of the most common questions we get from our customers is, how often should we perform maintenance and who should be doing it.
Here are some guidelines based on ANSI/ASME B03.21.
Periodic Hoist Inspections
The basis of a sound maintenance program starts with periodic inspections.
Those inspections should be performed based on the amount of use of the hoist and weight of the load being lifted on the following schedule:
Normal Service – Yearly inspection
Service that involves operation with randomly distributed loads within the rated load limit. Or uniform loads less than 65% of rated load for not more than 15% of the time.
Heavy Service- Semi-annually inspections
Service that involves operation within the rated load limit that exceeds normal service.
Severe Service – Quarterly inspections
Service that involves operation within the rated load limit that exceeds normal service.
Who Should Perform Your Hoist Maintenance
Designated Person
A person who is selected or assigned as being competent to perform specific duties to which they are assigned.
Qualified Person
A person that by possession of a recognized degree or certificate of professional standing.
There you have it. With a proper maintenance schedule and Standard Overload Protection you will get many years of safe, durable use out of an Oz Hoist.
More On Hoist Maintenance
Watch this video showing you how easy it is to disassemble an Oz Hoist for maintenance.